Taking a Solo Trip to Costa Rica to Meet Women

Many men take a solo trip to Costa Rica in order to meet beautiful Costa Rican women. One of the men who’ve done just that is Shawn, a tour client. One of our international matchmakers, Joe, caught up with Shawn to get his thoughts and perspective on solo travel in Costa Rica.

Shawn is somewhat unique among the tour clients. He’s been on a romance tour before, but not to Costa Rica. Shawn has previously attended a romance tour to Ukraine, and he’s noted a few differences between the two cultures and the ways in which the women behave and show affection.

One such difference was that Ukrainian women would grab him by the elbow, which was a surprise to him. Costa Rican women, on the other hand, held him by the hand. Between the two, Shawn stated that he was more acclimated to handholding.

Shawn also noted that he did the process of dating Costa Rican women backwards. Ideally, he was supposed to start with a solo travel to Costa Rica by going on the tour, meet someone there, and then start writing them. Instead, he started writing and then went on a solo Costa Rica trip to meet them.

Shawn did note that he found success with going backwards, but that the sheer quantity of women that a guy can meet on the tour is more than other agencies. He notes that a guy could meet well over 200 women on a single tour. Shawn guarantees that a guy who goes on such a tour is going to come away with a handful of women that he’s going to want to get closer to.

Couple looking to the horizon at a beach
Take a solo trip to Costa Rica to meet the lovely ladies there.

And getting closer to those women is easy, since the agency can set up individual dates for the men and the women he’d like to get to know better. At the time of the interview, Shawn had hit it off with someone and was confident that he’d be engaged within a short time.

When asked if he was going to make another trip to Costa Rica, Shawn was certain that he’d be coming for another Costa Rica solo trip at some point in the future.

But when it came to his first tour, Shawn stated that he wanted to go on a romance tour from the very beginning, but the cost gave him pause. He notes that a couple of the other guys on the tour came from Florida and paid less for airfare traveling to Costa Rica than another tour client who came all the way from Europe.

That said, Shawn states that, having already done the tour, that the experience was well worth the cost and urges guys who are on the fence about going on the tour to just do it.

He did have one single complaint about his experience though. During the Social, guys from one table to another. They sit at the table for fifteen minutes and get to know the women seated there. Shawn, and a few other guys, wanted more time at each table.

But he also noted that there was plenty of time after the Social to really connect with a woman that he really wanted to talk with.

If you want to be like Shawn and take a solo trip to Costa Rica to meet some lovely Ticas, then sign up now.

A woman looking at a man who is looking at a phone. A woman looking at a man who is looking at a phone.