The Reasons behind Costa Rica Dating

“…a fairytale for me…it came true…”

That’s what a tour client said of his experience with Costa Rica dating. There are a lot of guys who’ve thought about doing what that tour client did. But something has always given them pause.

Some guys are worried about potentially running into a woman who’s only going to want him for his money or a green card. Those are two very good reasons to be a little wary of trying dating services in Costa Rica.

One tour client was somewhat skeptical of being part of a dating service in Costa Rica because he’s heard a few horror stories where foreign women take advantage of men. They get their way into the United States and as soon as everything’s settled, they’re out the door and the guy is left high and dry.

But, upon meeting the women on the Costa Rica Women tour, he learned those horror stories are not the reality of dating a Costa Rican. He learned that many of the women who are on Costa Rica dating sites are sincere in their intentions to start a relationship and only want to start a new chapter in their life.

In fact, many of the women don’t even want to leave Costa Rica to begin with. Many of them have very strong family ties and are reluctant to leave their lives behind.

This is especially true if the woman is a single mother, because then they’d be taking their child away from grandparents, aunts, uncles, and other extended family.

Speed dating event at Costa Rica dating tour
If you’re about Costa Rica dating because of a woman’s intentions, then check them out for yourself.

That’s not to say that they won’t. If they fall in love with a man, then they’re going to be willing to leave their home country to be with him, but many of them, given the choice, would choose to stay right where they are.

That said, even if they do move, they’ll still want to go back home every now and then just to maintain their familial relations. So it’d be ideal if the guy is able to travel back and forth every 12 to 18 months and stay for an extended period of time.

When it comes to money, the women in Costa Rica make their own money. Some of the guys found out that women in Costa Rica work like crazy and that the valuables that guys had in their possessions - houses, cars, and things like that - didn’t really grab all that much attention. The women were more focused on the men themselves and on being together.

In essence, these women care more about being in a good relationship with a good man and about being happy in general than they do about being in the United States or having a lot of money to spend.

If you’re intrigued by the idea of dating a woman from Costa Rica but are still skeptical of their intentions, then maybe you should go ahead and meet a few of them so you can check them out for yourself. Tours to try out Costa Rica dating are available multiple times throughout the year so the opportunity is yours if you want it.

A woman looking at a man who is looking at a phone. A woman looking at a man who is looking at a phone.