Costa Rica Dating Etiquette - Know Before You Go

A photo of a man and woman hugging each other at the beach
Find out how you can make your Costa Rica dating experience a worthwhile one.

There are a number of dating rules that men tend to overlook or outright ignore. Other times, a guy just isn't aware of the rules that he’s supposed to follow in order to make the most of his Costa Rica dating experience.

In fact, a lot of guys don’t know that there are rules to be followed simply because they do not know about these rules in the first place.

Now, most guys will probably know that they should be the ones to pick up the check. It is, after all, something that is expected of them when they start dating women, not to mention that it’s part of the old-fashioned dating etiquette.

You might already be aware of the old-fashioned dating rules, yet the issue is when people who know these rules get on dating apps, not realizing that digital courtship has its own set of rules to follow.

Online dating etiquette is a little different from that of the real world. Sure, there may be some overlap, but the dating norms expected in Costa Rica can be different than what’s expected in the United States. In the end, some men find themselves needing a dating coach to help them navigate these differences.

So it helps for a man to know the rules of dating when it comes to the digital realm, as well as the dating etiquette that is to be observed when romancing Costa Rican women.

1. Checking Up

Once again, it is generally expected for men to be the ones to handle the check. But this particular rule may be even more pronounced when it comes to dating a younger woman from a different country.

This is because a younger woman is not likely to have as much money as an older man who may be far more established in his professional life than a young woman is. After all, it is generally expected that a 40 or 50 year old man who has been working for quite a while is going to be further along than a 20 year old woman who may not even be out of college yet.

If a man wants to date a younger woman in Costa Rica, he may have to reach for his wallet quite a bit.

2. Initiating Communication

When dating over the internet, one of the rules to be observed is how you send a direct message, also known as DM, to someone that you're interested in.

This is how people connect with each other online. You send a DM to another person, and from there, you can start communicating and hopefully hit things off. Sending a DM is also necessary if you want to connect with someone in a romantic sense.

Take note that a direct message is an art in and of itself. It’s sort of like a first impression. You're basically making an introduction, so it needs to be a good one. Now, there are some rules when it comes to a DM, but the main gist is to not be a total creep about it.

3. Pulling Out The Chair

Most people think that pulling up a chair for a lady to sit on is a basic thing for a gentleman to do, and that is correct. When it comes to Costa Rica dating, however, it is expected of a man to make little romantic gestures from time to time in order to impress the woman he is with.

These gestures may be as simple as opening doors for your lady, or you can go as far as putting your coat down over a puddle as you let your lady walk across. Whatever the gesture may be, no matter how small or grand, basic etiquette generally dictates that a gentleman must perform some of these gestures as part of the dating and courtship process.

4. In Profile

First impressions always matter when it comes to dating. As such, you will need to work on making a good first impression. Then again, not everyone understands how or why this matters, especially if they’re not doing it in person.

Building a great profile is not all that hard — you simply leave out the things that can make a woman feel uncomfortable. It can also help a great deal if you put up a dating profile that will give women a good idea about who you are and what it is you're interested in.

5. Forward Thinking

Public displays of affection are not all that uncommon in certain countries. It’s not unusual for a couple to be physically affectionate with one another in a public setting. But there are some areas where that type of behavior is frowned upon, and there are people with whom this behavior would be unwelcome.

Now, gentlemen are expected to be polite and courteous. This means that you should not be too forward when it comes to attracting physical attention. There is a time and place for that, and being aware of these things is an essential element in the dating etiquette observed by Costa Ricans.

6. Raised In A Barn

There are some expectations that society has set, and having good table manners is one of them. You are generally expected to be able to feed yourself without making a huge mess.

This doesn’t mean that you need to be intimately familiar with the difference between a butter knife and a steak knife, but you should at least be aware of how not to make a messy spectacle of yourself when eating.

Always have a table napkin with you. If you're at a restaurant, ask for one and be prepared to use it when needed. Wipe your mouth with it after eating, and you may even excuse yourself to go to the men's room to check if you have any food stuck in your teeth.

Costa Rican ladies will definitely take note of how you behave when you're eating, along with the other important aspects of your personality. This will give them an idea of how you look after yourself considering that eating is a basic thing to do, and that we do it every single day.

7. Composure

Another thing that a gentleman should be is composed. This does not mean that you should hide all your emotions and essentially become a moving statue. It does mean that you should be able to maintain and control your emotions while also feeling them. Acknowledge their existence, but never let them get the best of you.

Emotions are there for a reason, but letting them take over your way of thinking can be seen as uncultured. Yet not letting them out can also come across as stiff and uninteresting, and being either of the two is unappealing to a lot of women.

Keep in mind that being too composed can lead to awkward silence, so best be aware of when and how to manage your composure.

All things considered, there are certain societal standards that a man must adhere to when dating women in Costa Rica. These standards may differ based on the surrounding society, but they are there nonetheless. It is, therefore, your job to be aware of these standards so as to observe the proper dating etiquette in Costa Rica.

The best way to get started with your Costa Rica dating experience is to know how dating works with the ladies, and how you can make yourself an ideal man they would want to date.